Saudi authorities have floated the possibility of requiring COVID-19 vaccination as part of the requirement to be allowed to attend the holy Hajj pilgrimage this year.
Saudi Arabia takes pride in the guardianship of Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina and its smooth organisation of the annual Hajj, which has been marred in the past by deadly stampedes, fires and riots.
Credits: zurijeta/Freepik
Hajj 2021: Saudi Arabia to Require COVID-19 Vaccination
Saudi’s health minister said in a circular: “The COVID-19 vaccine is mandatory for those willing to come to the Haj and will be one of the main conditions (for receiving a permit to come),”Al Jazeera reported.
The congregation of millions of pilgrims from around the world can be a major cause of coronavirus transmission. In the past, worshippers have returned home with respiratory and other diseases.
In a circular released by Saudi’s Ministry of Health, its minister, Dr Tawfiq al-Rabiah said that the government must be prepared to “secure the manpower required to operate the health facilities in Mecca and Medina”.
In line with this, the facilities will be stationed at entry points for pilgrims, he said, in addition to a formation of a vaccination committee for pilgrims within Saudi Arabia.
Last year, the kingdom reduced the number of attendees and pilgrims last year due to the pandemic to 1,000.
Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime duty for every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it, is a major source of income for the Saudi government.
The pilgrimage last year was performed by a limited number of Saudis and foreign Muslims residing in Saudi Arabia to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.
A foreign couple who was sent to court for charges of having sexual relations outside of wedlock has recently been acquitted by the Sharjah Appellate Court in the UAE.
Earlier, the Sharjah Criminal Court of First Instance had convicted the Palestinian couple to six months in prison followed by deportation.
Credits: WAM
Court Revokes Punishment for Couple’s Sexual Relations Out of Wedlock
The court ruling was given on November 2 of last year after judges learned of how the couple was caught having sex in a car in Sharjah, the Khaleej Times reported.
After they were caught, the couple was referred to the public prosecution which sent them to court on the charge of having sexual relations outside marriage.
However, during the trial, both of them denied the accusation. Despite this, they were still sentenced to jail.
In defence of the couple, Emirati lawyer Salim bin Sahoo filed an appeal requesting his clients to be acquitted.
He pointed out that his clients are being prosecuted for an act that no longer is considered a crime based on the amendments made to the UAE laws last year.
After considering the appeal, the appellate court acquitted both the defendants on January 10 this year.
The appellate court decided to acquit the couple, citing the fact that the charge raised is no longer valid as per the amended law and according to federal decree number 15, which was published in the official gazette last September.
The amended law, enacted late last year, states that unmarried couples are no longer in default of the UAE regulations and they can freely live together in the same place, as long as both are adults and enjoy a healthy mind, and reasonable behaviour.
Authorities reiterated however that public morals remain at the forefront of the UAE legislators and the amendment’s aim is to regulate the life of UAE residents in the spirit of acceptance and tolerance.
Renowned Emirati vlogger, Khalid and wife, Salama, go back to the streets of Dubai, to bring another mouth-watering and thought-provoking vlog. This time, they visit one of Dubai’s well-loved African restaurants, Biggy African Restaurant.
In the video, they show their audience a little bit of African culture through the food experience they’ve tried at the famed restaurant in Dubai. So the next time you go around the city and happen to visit this place, you’d know what food to try and what to expect from them. If you’re excited to know more about African food and the cultural representation they bring to Dubai, then keep on reading.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
[VIDEO] Emirati Vlogger Khalid and Salama Share Nigerian Food Experience in Latest Vlog
In the latest vlog update shared by Khalid Al Ameri on his Facebook page, he and his wife, Salama, visit one of Dubai’s well-loved African bistros to try some of the most popular African food – Nigerian food, to be exact.
According to Khalid, “The tastes of Nigeria or Nigerian food and dishes represent the hundreds of ethnic groups that make up Nigeria. From soups and stews to rice and pounded yams, Nigerian meals are some of the most colourful, lavish, and tastiest meals in the world.”
The couple, accompanied by their friend, Steven, headed over to the restaurant in the Al Jabri building in Al Nahda, Dubai, feeling hungry and “stoked” to learn and try something new to share with the people following their gastronomic adventures all over the world.
However, given the circumstances we are all in, this time, they opted to explore some of the most well-loved places in the city, and let others know of how awesome Dubai is, in terms of its cultural and ethnic diversity. And what better way to do this, than by trying out specialty dishes served by the people who best make them! And representing the people and culture of Nigeria is the restaurant owner and main chef herself, Ade AKA Biggy.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
Coming into the restaurant, Khalid was quick to look for one of the more popular Nigerian meal, known as Fufu. Interestingly, however, there were some misconceptions even with this very popular dish. And Ade was very candid about teaching Khalid and the group, what the real score with Fufu is. She explained that Fufu can easily be confused with pounded yam, especially when you look at the way they are presented the first time. To set the distinction, Fufu is not made of yam, but of cassava. So the next time you look for Fufu, you’d better not confuse it with pounded yam, because just like what happened to Khalid in the video, it can get quite a bit awkward, and that’s not exactly a good way to start exploring a new culture through the people’s food. But now that you know the difference, you should be okay.
So after that little awkward moment with Fufu, the couple decided to go wash their hands thoroughly in preparation for their food experience at Biggy’s. Khalid shares that Africans, just like Arabs, enjoy eating their food with their hands.
And after they’ve cleaned up, they’re now ready to dig in.
Khalid explains that the best way to start was to go with, of course, only the best or the most popular Nigerian dish there is: Jollof Rice.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
After she took a bite, Salama was already enjoying herself, with the way things are starting to turn out. But Khalid got a bit more descriptive with his evaluation. He explained that there was a hint of sweetness from the plantain, which interestingly goes well with the spicy rice and the meat they eat it with: pan fried turkey. Salama couldn’t hide her delight when she snuck in another bite of the amazing food combination. And to this, Khalid remarked, “What that dish said, was welcome to Nigeria! You are home with us. Enjoy our flavors. Enjoy our colours. Enjoy our life.” It’s a bit poetic, yes. But isn’t that the point of enjoying great food? To make us feel truly grateful and happy to be alive.
So moving onto the next dish, the couple was then served with another popular combo dish of Nigerian fried rice, moin moin, and chicken. Moin moin is processed beans that are boiled and formed to make a sticky dough-life texture. The taste-testing is one thing worth looking forward to in these videos, but if you’ve been following this couple, you know that it’s going to be more than just great food here. Great conversations – sometimes, snarky and funny ones, pepper the discussion, creating more excitement for the viewers. That said, this couple is truly cute and funny together.
Then they get into the real deal, the Fufu. However, not everything was what they thought about this food to be. Yes, Fufu, is indeed a popular dish in Nigeria, but there’s something that’s more popular than this: pounded yam (or could it just be one of Biggy’s favorites? Let’s find out.)
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
Not to be confused with Fufu, both have the consistency of sticky rice and are usually eaten with meat stew called Egusi. This is made of goat, mixed with melon, and bitter leaves. Apparently, this dish is not only tasty but is also healthy – and extremely spicy! So if you’re feeling a bit under the weather or lacking appetite, this one’s highly recommended! It’ll surely wake up your taste buds.
Next, they tried the yam porridge, which looks colourful and soft from the outside, but once you take a bite, the spiciness is something to brace yourself for. Both Khalid and Salama agreed that the dish reminds them of the Arabic Chili Potato. As a compliment to the dish’s ingredients, texture, and flavors, the couple agreed that it’s a must-have when you’re feeling low on energy or when you want to have something to keep you warm on a cold day.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
Next in line was the famous west African dish, Ewa Agoyin – which Salama couldn’t hide her excitement for. The dish is made of beans in chili sauce generously topped with crispy fried beef paired with plantain to complete the savoury-spicy-sweet formula of most African cuisine. And indeed, it did not disappoint, Khalid said that the dish is worth having “all-day”.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
Fortunately or unfortunately, there’s still one last dish to top everything off. They were warned not to try it though because it is literally FIRE. Something you describe as fire could only mean two things: it’s so good that it’s considered “hot” or it’s extremely spicy that it burns your mouth. Of course, as adventurous as our favorite couple is, they did not back down. Instead, they really insisted. Salama funnily puts it this way, “I’m not leaving unless I burn myself!” And you know that she’s not joking.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
So after they’ve convinced the staff that they are, indeed, ready for it, they were served with Ofada rice and Ayamase, a kind of spicy beef stew, also known as the king of spicy stews for Nigerians. It was interesting to see how they were calm and enjoying themselves at first bite, but then, tears started to well up in their eyes, with Khalid panicking and drinking water, but this just made the spiciness much worse. They were told that they just needed to get used to it and to keep going, and so they did.
Interestingly, the only way to conquer the king of Nigerian spicy stews is to keep eating it. Biggy even jokes that if you have this stew four or five times in a month, nothing can stop you, not even the corona. But we’ll leave you to decide about that bit. But what they did confirm after enjoying such an interesting dish was that it’s a slow-burn kind of hot, but nevertheless really good. A must-try and fun experience.
And to cap off the savoury and spicy goodness they’ve had from the other dishes, it’s time to calm the taste buds with a dessert called puff-puff, which is like a doughnut but not the sweet kind – just the mellow, feel-good kind in your mouth. This reminded them of a dessert in the UAE, known as the luqaimat. Both of them agreed that it’s the best way to calm your nerves and taste buds after eating Ayamase. Very interesting, yes?
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
So after having a full course of Nigerian food, Khalid wrapped things up by sharing what they’ve learned from the experience. He said that Nigerian food and culture is full of life, energy, giving you a sense of happiness, joy, and most of all love – just like all of the great food in the world.
Credits: Khalid Al Ameri Facebook Page
And of course, the experience wouldn’t be complete without having a word from Steven, their African guide for the day’s adventure. He talks about the Nigerians in the UAE and their culture, explaining: “[We] Nigerians in the UAE have been able to build a good reputation over the years because our people are charismatic, adventurous, and easy-going. But if there’s one peculiar thing to be said of our people, that is we are emphatic. So, if you see two Nigerians talking, and think they might be quarrelling – really, they are not. They are actually just trying to make a point. Also, Nigerians are very welcoming people and we are blessed as a nation, so if you want, you can visit us, and come to Nigeria anytime you want and you’ll be welcome.”
Gambling is considered an illegal activity (especially in many Middle Eastern countries) so please be mindful of this fact. In a recent report, 24 people have been arrested involved in gambling and betting. Kuwait Police raided an apartment and caught the suspects.
Let us remind ourselves on why man expats chose to live and work overseas. While some laws may not sit well with us because we may have grown up under different laws based on our culture and history, it is still important that we respect the laws of the country where we are in. Whether we disagree or not, let us remind ourselves that this is our not our place to decide and we should obey these rules.
Below is the full report from the Ministry of Interior in Kuwait about this incident:
Kuwait Police Arrests 24 People for Gambling during Apartment Raid
The Department of Public Relations and Security Media at the Ministry of Interior has reported that within the efforts of the criminal security sector to combat outlaws, the General Department of Criminal Investigations has managed to catch 24 people red handed to gambling.
The administration explains that there was information that an apartment was found in an area of Al-Ahmadi governorate, which is administered to play gambling and betting through the internet, so a research team was formed and investigated. After confirming the correctness of the information, the legal permission was taken and raided the apartment was seized. 24 people red handed to play gambling, and upon enquiry, it was found that 10 of them were wanted, and an estimated amount of KD 3000 and gambling tools were seized.
They were therefore seized and referred with seizures to the competent authorities for necessary legal action against them.
– MOI Kuwait
Below are posts from the Ministry of Interior in Kuwait regarding the said report:
One of the main challenges of working abroad is getting accustomed to and observing the culture of the people and the workplace. If you’re not careful in treading these waters, you might find yourself in a difficult position. This is especially true in countries such as Saudi Arabia and those that follow strict laws and rules concerning public decency and such.
Decency covers areas that are generally shared with the public, including social media and the use of online platforms. Unfortunately, some step over these boundaries and end up paying for the cost of not recognizing such regulations, and for one migrant worker, her job.
Credits: GMA News Online / YouTube
TikTok Video Costs Employee Her Job in Saudi Arabia
A Filipino working in Saudi Arabia recently got fired after posting a Tiktok video while wearing her work uniform.
The overseas Filipino worker (OFW), identified as “JM”, went to the Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO) in Jeddah to ask for help regarding the incident.
According to JM, her Tiktok video was not suggestive or did not include any content that maligned or attacked anyone in any way. It was a video showing her dancing at the store she worked in, wearing her uniform. Unfortunately, someone recognized her in the video and immediately notified the owner of the store.
In response to her video, the management told her to take it down on the social media platform and was also instructed not to report for work. A few days after the incident, she was informed that she had already been terminated.
Meanwhile, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) officer James Mendiola reminded OFWs, especially those in Saudi Arabia, to be mindful when posting content on the internet.
“We would like to remind our OFWs in Saudi Arabia that although we work only during working hours, we are part of their company 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Mendiola explained. “And most of our employers, if not all, are very sensitive to impression or public images, and that includes us. So our social media post and upload must agree or be in line with the norms of the Kingdom.”
As for the Filipina, it was unfortunate that she had to learn her lesson the hard way. In line with this, she advised her fellow Filipinos in the kingdom to be mindful and to think about their actions carefully, especially when putting them out on the internet.
Here is the full video report posted by GMA News Online / YouTube:
The Kingdom of Bahrain announced on Wednesday (February 17) that it has launched its own digital ‘vaccine passport’ for citizens.
The move aims to help the Gulf country determine whether using digital ‘vaccine passports’ would work well for them. This also puts the kingdom among one of the first countries to do so. Governments and developers around the world are exploring how certificates and passports could help to reopen economies by identifying those protected against COVID-19.
Credits: Freepik
App to Monitor COVID-19 Vaccination Status Launched in Bahrain
Each citizen who gets jabbed with two doses of the vaccine, 21 days apart, will get their official vaccination certificate after two weeks which can be viewed through Bahrain’s “BeAware” app, The Independent reported.
The app is equipped with a unique QR code per person that is connected to Bahrain’s vaccine registry.
Besides the certificate, the app also shows the user’s personal details, as well as the brand of vaccine received.
Bahrain offers four vaccines free to its citizens, including Russia’s Sputnik V, AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Sinopharm.
Earlier, Denmark also expressed its intent to launch the country’s own digital ‘vaccine passport’ to check if the traveler has been inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine, with the hopes of opening up tourism in their country.
Sweden also aims to launch a vaccine passport by summer, assuming there is an international standard in place for the document by then, the government said two weeks ago.
Meanwhile, countries such as Romania, Seychelles, and Estonia said that they will accept individuals who can prove that they have been injected with the COVID-19 jab.
The Saudi government on Tuesday (February 2), suspended the entry of passengers from 20 countries, with the exception of diplomats, Saudi citizens, medical practitioners, and their families, to help curb the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
The temporary travel ban will take place starting February 3.
Credits: @svstrelkov/Freepik
[COVID-19 UPDATE] Saudi Government Bars Travel to and from UAE, India, Pakistan and Other Countries
According to Saudi’s state news agency, the UAE, Pakistan, and India are among the 20 countries included in the temporary travel ban, the Khaleej Times reported.
A statement from the Ministry of Interior said that the suspension would be implemented from 9 pm (10 pm UAE time) on February 3.
The temporary travel suspension will include those coming from other countries if they passed through any of the 20 countries during the 14 days preceding the request to enter the Kingdom.
The statement added that citizens, diplomats, health practitioners, and their families coming from the aforementioned countries or those who transited any of those countries during the 14 days preceding their return to the Kingdom will enter the Kingdom in accordance with the precautionary measures imposed by the Ministry of Health.
Here is the list of the 20 countries included in Saudi’s travel suspension.
United Arab Emirates
United States
South Africa
The ministry said that the decision was based on the recommendations of Saudi health ministry experts.
#عاجل مصدر مسؤول بوزارة الداخلية: تعليق السماح بدخول المملكة لغير المواطنين والدبلوماسيين والممارسين الصحيين وعائلاتهم مؤقتاً للقادمين من 20 دولة اعتباراً من الساعة 9 من مساء يوم الأربعاء الموافق 3 / 2 / 2021م.#واس_عام
The kingdom has recorded at least 367,800 cases and 6,370 deaths so far, the highest tally in the Middle East. It saw daily infections fall from a peak above 4,000 in June to dip below the 100-mark in early January.
We all know how pets, for some owners, aren’t considered just as animals, but family. And we’ve heard of stories how people take care of their pets as if they were their own children. You probably do, too.
But in strange ways, did you know that pets show deep care and loyalty for their owners? This dog in Turkey is a great example of a pet’s loyalty to their owner, that even while at the hospital, the dog would stay for hours and wait for days at the hospital’s main entrance, waiting for its owner to come home.
Image used for illustration purposes only
[VIDEO] Loyal Pet Dog in Turkey Waits For Sick Owner to Return Home from Hospital After 6 Days
The pet, named Boncuk – which means bead – followed her owner, Cemal Santurk, who was carried by ambulance to the hospital in Trabzon on January 14.
Since then, the dog made visits to the facility, waiting for her owner to finally come home because she probably missed him too much and was concerned about how he was doing while away.
According to Mr. Santurk’s daughter, Aynur Egeli, she would repeatedly bring Boncuk home, but she would also keep running off and returning to the hospital.
Credits: DHA“She has been waiting here at the hospital for three, four days. She runs away from home and comes here, all by herself,” she said.
One of the hospital security guards, Muhammet Akdeniz, shared: “She comes every day around 9:00 am and waits until nightfall. She doesn’t go in.”
He added that Boncuk was harmless and doesn’t bother anyone. But she just waits outside for her owner to come home.
Credits: DHAOn Wednesday, January 20, Boncuk was finally reunited with her owner, Mr. Senturk, when he was pushed outside in a wheelchair for a brief meeting with his dog.
Catch the heart-warming video feature posted by The Guardian/YouTube.
Mr. Senturk shared: “She’s very used to me. And I miss her, too, constantly.”
On that same day, Mr. Senturk was also discharged from the hospital and went home with Boncuk.
Credits: DHAHe said of an owner’s bond with their dog: “They bring joy, make people happy. They provide companionship just like humans and they make people happy.”
What a heartwarming reunion! Pets can be the most loyal friend any person can have. And even during these times, when there’s so much isolation happening. A pet and its owner’s true bond cannot be restricted by sickness or even distance! Do you also have loyal pets? Let us know what they’re like by leaving a comment in the section below!
Insults is a crime in the UAE. There are also strict rules when posting on social media in the country (or other Middle East countries) so please be advised of these policies. In a recent news, four men have been arrested for making fun of people of Asian communities.
As per report from Emirates News Agency, WAM, the four men are of Arab nationalities and in viral videos circulated online, it shows that the Arab men are mocking Asian men by poking them on the face or head, or making them lose balance.
This is just cruel and is not tolerated especially in the UAE. So everyone, please be warned that insulting and making fun of others is a crime.
You can check the video below as shared by Emirates News Agency on their official Twitter account.
In light of the identification of the new COVID-19 variant, Oman announced that it will temporarily close its borders for a week.
State News Agency ONA announced on Sunday, January 17, that closure will take effect the next day starting at 6 PM (1400 GMT). It noted that the closure may also be extended.
Credits: Freepik
Oman to Close Borders Again to Prevent Spread of New COVID-19 Variant
The article posted by the Arabian Business said that the committee reviewed the report of the specialized technical team on the spread of the new Covid-19 strain and means of protecting all individuals of society against the disease, in general, and the new variant in particular.
“A growing rate of lenience has been observed among citizens and individuals in implementing precautionary measures approved by the authorities concerned. It has been noticed that social events drew about large gatherings in tents and other venues, making it possible for the virus to spread among segments of society,” the report noted.
Oman had recently reopened its land, air, and sea borders on December 29 after the government temporarily shut these borders off due to the new fast-spreading strain of coronavirus, which appeared in the United Kingdom.
To date, Oman has recorded 131,790 cases and 1,512 deaths during the pandemic, with 124,067 recoveries.